Welcome to the Virology section of EAPR. We assess the different aspects of virus research in potatoes, ranging from diagnosis and detection to plant-virus interactions. Our members are made up of scientists, students, growers, seed potato producers and plant health officers and we welcome new contributors to join our work.
Section chairperson
Roberto Miglino
Senior Scientist and Project Leader Plant Virology & Nematology at the HZPC Research B.V.
Roptawei 4, Metslawier 9123 JB, Netherlands
+31 (0) 850215700 (HZPC central office)
Upcoming Meetings
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Past Meetings
Next meeting of the virology section Second call for abstracts!
Puhkekodu tee 4,Estonia
The 17th triennial meeting of the Virology Section of the European Association of Potato Research (EAPR)
16th triennial meeting of the Virology Section with the 8th annual meeting of PVYwide
Večna pot 111,Slovenia
The 16th triennial meeting of the Virology Section of the European Association of Potato Research (EAPR), was combined with the 8th annual meeting of PVYwide organization.
In 2021, the World Potato Congress Inc, (WPC), under the support of Directors Romain Cools and André Devaux, began to explore the idea of a day to celebrate and honour the potato. Over the years
Congratulations to Prof Paul Struik, Chief Editor of the EAPR's journal Potato Research, who has again been recognised for his contribution to potato research through an award at the World Potato Congress