In 2021, the World Potato Congress Inc, (WPC), under the support of Directors Romain Cools and André Devaux, began to explore the idea of a day to celebrate and honour the potato. Over the years, multiple countries from around the world became engaged with the FAO/UN on this initiative.
Fast forward to 2024, the WPC is excited to be collaborating with the FAO in the official campaign launch of the International Day of Potato released in 6 official languages. https://www.fao.org/international-potato-day/en
As stated by FAO' in "A Guide to International Day of the Potato 2024" :
In December 2023, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 30 May as the International Day of Potato. Potatoes are eaten by more than one billion people around the world and are a vital food source.
In 2024, we celebrate the first International Day of Potato by focusing on the contribution of the potato to the lives of producers and consumers with the timely theme: Harvesting diversity, feeding hope.
This guide provides a brief history of the potato from its origins in the Andes mountains to a global food staple as well as its profound impact on human beings and farming systems. It’s also a call to action for governments, civil society and non-government organizations, parents and educators to learn more about the potato and how it enriches our lives.
The FAO and WPC encourages all levels to use the guide, visual identity and tag line provided by the FAO to celebrate the potato in their region of the globe and share your campaign #InternationalDayofPotato.
As the 3rd most consumed food globally, the potato also offers enormous untapped potential. We can all get involved. Together we can raise awareness and advance the potential of the potato to combat hunger and malnutrition.