Breeding & Varietal Assessment

The section members common interest is potato improvement. Members have different backgrounds such as breeding companies, research and technical institutes, universities, official bodies involved in registration of new varieties etc. This diversity offers opportunities to have fruitful discussions. Section meetings are also the place to get the latest technical and scientific knowledge needed to optimize breeding strategies and think about forthcoming challenges for our crop. Talks are then dealing with: 

  • Genetics and genomics,
  • Phenotyping
  • Diseases resistance
  • Genetic resources
  • Markers assisted and genomic selection
  • Genetic transformation and gene editing

The 20th Joint Section Meeting "Breeding & Varietal Assessment" and EUCARPIA section "Potatoes", originally planned in November 2023 in Turkey has been cancelled.

We have made some inquiries for alternatives in the past months and we are happy to announce that Ingo Hein from James Hutton Institute in Dundee, Scotland is willing to host the meeting instead. Since both the General Congress of EUCARPIA as well as the Triennial Meeting of EAPR are scheduled for 2024, we propose to shift the 20th Joint Section Meeting to 2025. Ingo will put together a team and we will come up with more information regarding venue and date next year.

Section chairperson
Dr. Charlotte Prodhomme
Scientist in the Genetics team

inov3PT, INRAE UMR Igepp, Domaine de la Motte, Le Rheu 35653, France

+ 33 223 485 186